
Maternal antigen avoidance during lactation for preventing atopic disease in infants of women at high risk
Maternal antigen avoidance during lactation for preventing atopic eczema in infants
Maternal colostrum provided into the mouth of preterm babies to prevent complications and improve outcomes
Maternal consumption of xylitol for preventing dental decay in children
Maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy or lactation, or both, for preventing or treating atopic disease in the child
Maternal glucose administration for facilitating tests of fetal wellbeing
Maternal hydration for increasing amniotic fluid volume in oligohydramnios and normal amniotic fluid volume
Maternal iodine supplements in areas of deficiency
Maternal nutrient supplementation for suspected impaired fetal growth
Maternal oxygen administration for fetal distress
Maternal oxygen administration for suspected impaired fetal growth
Maternal position in the second stage of labour for women with epidural anaesthesia
Maternal probiotic supplementation for prevention of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants
Maternity Matters: A new special series of blogs and other resources from Cochrane UK
Maternity waiting facilities for improving maternal and neonatal outcomes in low-resource countries
Matrix devices for healing foot ulcers in people with diabetes
Maxillary distraction osteogenesis versus orthognathic surgery for cleft patients
Maximal androgen (hormone) blockade therapy may improve chances of longer survival in men with advanced prostate cancer, but may not be suitable for all men.
Means restriction for the prevention of suicide: generic protocol
Means restriction to prevent suicide by jumping
Means restriction to prevent suicide on roads
Measles/MMR vaccine for infants born to HIV-positive mothers
Measurement of serum galactomannan to detect invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients
Measurement of β-D-glucans to detect invasive fungal infection in immunocompromised people
Measures for preventing cold sores
Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic
Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review
Measuring galactomannan in lung-washing fluid to diagnose invasive aspergillosis in patients with an impaired immune system
Measuring the height of the uterus from the symphysis pubis (SFH) in pregnancy for detecting problems with fetal growth
Mechanical and surgical interventions for treating women with severe bleeding after childbirth
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective colorectal surgery may not improve outcome for patients
Mechanical chest compression machines for cardiac arrest
Mechanical cough augmentation techniques in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease
Mechanical devices for urinary incontinence in women
Mechanical heart pumps to aid a heart that fails suddenly
Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation to improve mucus clearance in people with neuromuscular disorders
Mechanical methods for induction of labour
Mechanical traction for neck pain with or without symptoms that radiate to the neck or arm
Mechanical ventilation at night for people with nerve, muscle or chest wall disease who have persistent breathing problems
Mechanical ventilation for newborn infants with respiratory failure due to pulmonary disease
Mechanical ventilation for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease
Mechanically assisted walking training for children with cerebral palsy
Media coverage of new Cochrane Review of Cochrane Review on omega-3 fatty acids
Media coverage of new Cochrane Review on HPV vaccine for cervical cancer prevention in girls and women
Media-based behavioural treatments for behavioural problems in children
Mediastinal chest drain clearance following cardiac surgery
Medical abortion at 13 weeks of gestation and above
Medical abortion offered in pharmacy versus clinic-based settings
Medical and dietary interventions for preventing recurrent urinary stones in children
Medical and surgical abortion for women living with HIV
Medical and surgical interventions for neurotrophic keratopathy
Medical and surgical treatment for ocular myasthenia
Medical and surgical treatments for usual-type vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (uVIN)
Medical day hospital care for the elderly versus alternative forms of care
Medical interventions for acanthamoeba keratitis
Medical interventions for chronic inflammation of the nose and sinuses in cystic fibrosis
Medical interventions for non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
Medical interventions for prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in adults with cirrhosis: a network meta-analysis
Medical interventions for primary open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension
Medical interventions for treating chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma
Medical interventions for treating primary angle-closure glaucoma
Medical interventions to prevent early graft rejection after liver transplantation
Medical interventions to prevent graft rejection after liver transplantation
Medical Library Association recognizes work of Cochrane contributors
Medical methods for early termination of pregnancy can be safe and effective.
Medical methods for preventing blood loss at caesarean section
Medical News Today highlights new Cochrane evidence on xylitol and tooth decay
Medical or operative treatment for ulcers in the stomach and upper small intestine resistant to medical treatment
Medical scan images for promoting health behaviour change
Medical student relay delivers a new Cochrane review & plenty of practical knowledge
Medical therapies for parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis in term and preterm infants
Medical therapies for treating heavy menstrual bleeding in women with bleeding disorders
Medical treatment for botulism
Medical treatment for early fetal death (less than 24 weeks)
Medical treatment for people with acute pancreatitis (sudden inflammation of the pancreas)
Medical treatment for people with non-alcohol related fatty liver disease
Medical treatment for people with primary sclerosing cholangitis
Medical treatment for traumatic hyphema
Medical treatment of acute hepatitis B virus infection
Medical treatment of acute hepatitis C virus infection
Medical treatment of alcohol-related liver disease
Medical treatment of primary biliary cholangitis
Medical treatment of vascular risk factors for reducing death and cardiovascular events in people with abdominal aortic aneurysm
Medical treatments for autoimmune hepatitis
Medical treatments for eosinophilic esophagitis
Medical treatments for fungal infection of the cornea (clear front part of the eye)
Medical treatments for incomplete miscarriage
Medical treatments for painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis)
Medical treatments for the maintenance therapy of reflux oesophagitis and endoscopic negative reflux disease
Medical treatments for throat cancer (oropharyngeal cancer) that is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
Medical use of cannabis in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Medically assisted hydration to assist palliative care patients
Medically assisted nutrition to assist palliative care patients
Medication as a treatment for long-term medically unexplained physical symptoms (somatoform disorders): a review of the evidence
Medication augmentation for treatment-resistant anxiety disorders
Medication for posttraumatic stress disorder
Medication for social anxiety disorder (SAnD): a review of the evidence
Medication for stomach ache with no organic cause in children
Medication for the treatment of depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Medication for treating anxiety disorders in people with alcohol use problems
Medication to prevent infection of the eye in newborns
Medication to treat fits in newborn babies
Medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both, in treating body dysmorphic disorder
Medications and mechanical interventions for induction of labour in outpatient settings
Medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children with tics
Medications for cognitive decline in people with Down syndrome
Medications for daytime sleepiness in individuals with idiopathic hypersomnia
Medications for discontinuation of long-term benzodiazepine use
Medications for generalised itching (not caused by a disease affecting the whole body or changes in the skin (lesions) during pregnancy
Medications for heavy menstrual bleeding and pain related to intrauterine devices used for birth control
Medications for high blood pressure in children
Medications for increasing milk supply in mothers expressing breastmilk for their hospitalised infants
Medications for reducing contractions during labour for excessively strong/frequent contractions or where the unborn baby is thought to be distressed
Medications for the management of opium withdrawal
Medications or surgery for the treatment of open angle glaucoma
Medications to help people to stop smoking: an overview of reviews
Medications to prevent NSAID-induced gastroduodenal ulcers
Medications to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a review of the evidence
Medications which promote stomach movement to relieve upper abdominal discomfort that does not have a specific cause
Medicinal and Injection Therapies for mechanical neck disorders
Medicinal herbs for acute hepatitis B
Medicine-free management of neonates' pain during endotracheal suctioning
Medicine-free treatment for stuttering in children aged six years and younger
Medicines for bipolar disorder in older people
Medicines for central sleep apnoea in adults
Medicines for children with reflux
Medicines for emotionalism after stroke
Medicines for preventing epilepsy following traumatic head injury
Medicines for preventing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Medicines for reducing inflammation in people with familial Mediterranean fever
Medicines for second-stage human African trypanosomiasis
Medicines for sleep problems in dementia
Medicines for spinal muscular atrophy types II and III
Medicines for the treatment of cannabis dependence
Medicines for treating painful sickle cell crises in adults
Medicines given before, during, or after surgery to prevent short spikes of eye pressure after laser surgery for glaucoma
Medicines in the treatment of emergency department nausea and vomiting
Medicines less commonly used for preventing high altitude illness
Medicines to increase foetal haemoglobin levels and reduce the need for blood transfusion in people with non-transfusion-dependent thalassaemia
Medicines to manage pain and discomfort in premature babies assisted with breathing machines and at risk of brain bleeding
Medicines to prevent blockage of vascular access following surgery for formation of arteriovenous fistula or graft
Medicines to prevent breast cancer in women at above-average risk of developing breast cancer
Medicines to prevent hearing loss in children receiving platinum chemotherapy for cancer
Medicines to prevent vestibular migraine
Medicines to reduce pain and discomfort during spinal tap in newborns
Medicines to relieve indigestion that is not caused by ulcers.
Medicines to treat delirium in critically ill adult patients
Medicines to treat people with vascular dementia and other vascular cognitive impairments
Meditation for adults with haematological malignancies
Meditation therapies for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Meditation therapy for anxiety disorders
Mediterranean-style diet for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Meet the #CochraneLondon Social Media Ambassadors
Meeting our Mission: A message from Cochrane’s Chief Executive Officer, Mark Wilson
Mefloquine for preventing malaria in non-immune adult travellers
Mefloquine for preventing malaria in pregnant women
Megestrol acetate for treatment of anorexia-cachexia syndrome
Meglitinide analogues for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Melatonin and agomelatine for prevention of winter depression
Melatonin for non-respiratory sleep disorders in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Melatonin for non-respiratory sleep disorders in typically developing children
Melatonin for preoperative and postoperative anxiety in adults
Melatonin for preventing pre-eclampsia
Melatonin for sleep disorders in visually impaired children
Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of jet lag
Melatonin for tinnitus
Melatonin for treating pre-eclampsia
Melatonin in cancer treatment
Melatonin to improve sleep in the intensive care unit
Melatonin treatment for newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
Melatonin treatment may be effective for the treatment of dementia-related behavior disturbances
Memantine as a treatment for dementia
Memantine for dementia in people with Down syndrome
Memantine for schizophrenia
Membership Terms & Conditions
Membrane sweeping for induction of labour
Memory rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
Men and women with Ta and T1 bladder cancer were given two prophylactic treatments of BCG and Mitomycin C and compared.
Mental Health First Aid as a tool for improving mental health and well-being
Mental Health First Aid as a tool for improving mental health and well-being
Mental health support in the community for refugee children and adolescents in high-income countries
Mental health support in the community for refugee children and adolescents in high-income countries
Mental practice to improve arm function and arm movement in individuals with hemiparesis after stroke
Mentoring adolescents to prevent drug or alcohol use
Meperidine (pethidine) for treatment of postoperative pain in adults
Mepolizumab or benralizumab for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Mepolizumab, reslizumab or benralizumab for people already taking inhaled steroids and long-acting beta 2-agonists for their asthma
Mesenchymal stromal cells to treat or prevent graft-versus-host disease in stem cell transplant recipients
Mesh fixation techniques for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in adults
Mesh fixation techniques in ventral hernias
Mesh or no mesh: what works best for groin hernias (swelling or lump in the groin area) requiring emergency surgery?
Mesh prophylaxis for hernia in abdominal incisions
Mesh reinforcement versus primary repair in laparoscopic paraoesophageal hernia repairs of the hiatus
Message from the Governing Board
Meta-analysis using individual participant data or summary aggregate data
Meta-cognitive training for schizophrenia
Metabolomics for improving pregnancy outcomes
Metal implants used to fix broken bones in the hip joint in older adults
Metal implants used to fix broken bones near the hip joint in older adults
Metal tubes (stents) or surgery (endarterectomy) for treatment of carotid stenosis
Metal versus non-metal backing of the tibial component for total knee replacement for osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis.
Metal-based, metallic fillings: is it better to repair or replace faulty metal-based fillings for adults?
Metal-free materials for making crowns and bridges
Metalloporphyrins for treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in neonates
Metformin added to insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus in adolescents
Metformin and sulphonylurea combination therapy for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Metformin during ovulation induction with gonadotrophins in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Metformin for endometrial hyperplasia
Metformin for obesity or overweight
Metformin for ovulation induction in women with a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome and subfertility
Metformin for preventing the progression of chronic kidney disease
Metformin for prevention/delay of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and associated complications in persons at increased risk for development of T2DM
Metformin for women with obesity or who are overweight during pregnancy for improving health for women and their babies
Metformin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for improving fertility
Metformin monotherapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Metformin versus the combined oral contraceptive pill for excessive facial/body hair, acne, and menstrual disorders in polycystic ovary syndrome
Methadone (an opioid drug) for treating people with cancer pain
Methadone at tapered doses for the management of opioid withdrawal
Methadone for long-term non-cancer pain
Methadone for neuropathic pain in adults
Methadone maintenance at different dosages for opioid dependence
Methadone maintenance therapy versus no opioid replacement therapy
Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections
Methods and devices for graft fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Methods for administering subcutaneous heparin during pregnancy
Methods for assessing pre-induction cervical ripening, the ability of the cervix to open in response to spontaneous uterine contractions
Methods for cervical ripening and labour induction in late pregnancy: generic protocol
Methods for estimating blood loss after vaginal birth to improve maternal outcomes
Methods for informing people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease of their diagnosis
Methods for monitoring blood glucose in pregnant women with diabetes to improve outcomes
Methods for obtaining unpublished data
Methods for promoting sleep in children and young people in hospital without using medicines (non-medicinal)
Methods for securing endotracheal tubes in newborn infants
Methods for the drainage of fluid containing cancer cells that collect in the abdomen in women with gynaecological cancer
Methods of communicating with children and adolescents about a family member's cancer
Methods of decreasing infection to improve outcomes after liver resections
Methods of emergency contraception
Methods of gallbladder dissection for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Methods of induction of labour: a network meta-analysis 
Methods of intra-abdominal local anaesthetic administration in people undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Methods of milk expression for lactating women
Methods of pin site care for reducing infection and complications associated with external bone fixators and pins
Methods of repair for obstetric anal sphincter injury
Methods of securing peripheral vascular catheters to reduce morbidity in neonates
Methods to decrease blood loss and transfusion requirements for liver transplantation
Methods to improve healthcare worker hand hygiene to decrease infection in patient care
Methods to increase response rates for data collected by telephone
Methods to influence the completeness of response to self-administered questionnaires
Methods to prevent people waking during surgery and remembering surgical events
Methods to reduce pain with insertion of intrauterine contraception
