Cochrane Membership
Cochrane's Membership scheme was launched in 2017 to reward everyone who helps to produce and disseminate Cochrane evidence. Cochrane Membership is free of charge and is awarded for contributions to our work.
We are a collaborative membership organisation. We regularly consult with our membership when setting organisational priorities. As a Member, you can help to shape our future.
View your contribution record and Membership status. Please let us know about any additional contributions.
I have volunteered for Cochrane - add my contribution
![]() Vinayak Mishra, India |
Benefits of Cochrane Membership
- Recognition - Cochrane Membership is a valuable addition to your résumé or career portfolio. It demonstrates a widely-recognised commitment to evidence-based medicine.
- Representation - Members form the core of our community and help shape Cochrane’s future. Use your Member’s voting rights in organisational elections and get involved in internal governance and strategy.
- Personal development - contributing to Cochrane is an opportunity to develop new skills. Members also benefit from a 45% discount when subscribing to Cochrane’s online course on Conducting a Systematic Review and a 10% discount when subscribing to RevMan.
![]() Jacqueline Thompson, UK |
Become a Cochrane Member
Join Cochrane to begin your journey as a Cochrane Supporter. As you contribute to Cochrane, you earn membership points. You will also learn more about health evidence and gain new skills along the way!
Your Cochrane Membership can be:
- Points-based and renewable through continued contributions. You will be offered a 1, 3 or 5-year Membership as you hit the points thresholds of 1,000, 3,000 or 5,000 points. Look out for an email asking you to activate your membership.
- Role-based for people who work for Cochrane.
- Life or Emeritus Membership for people who have made an outstanding contribution to Cochrane over many years.
As you progress you will earn downloadable badges to recognise your contributions to Cochrane.



Staff Member

Life Member

Emeritus Member
Every Member must agree to our Terms and Conditions of Membership. This includes confirming that you do not work for a pharmaceutical or medical device company, for conflict of interest reasons.
![]() Zain Douba, Syrian Arab Republic |
Renew your Cochrane Membership
If you contribute to Cochrane on an ongoing basis, your Membership will be renewed automatically.
Join Cochrane Line to 2
Become a supporter Line to 3
Contribute to Cochrane Line to 4
Become a member No further tasks completed
Line from 4 to 5
Do more tasks Line to 6
Membership renewed |
Staff Membership
People who hold certain roles in Cochrane are automatically eligible for Cochrane Membership:
- Board and Council members
- Group staff of all Cochrane Groups and Networks
- Editors of Cochrane Groups
- Translation Project managers
- Executive members
- Methods Group convenors
- Members of Scientific committees, Handbook editorial teams, Funding Arbiter panel
- Central Executive Team members
If you work for Cochrane and are not yet a member, please contact
![]() Hebatullah Abdulazeem, Germany |
Lifetime and Emeritus Membership
Cochrane’s Governing Board are proud to recognise extraordinary contributions to Cochrane’s success over many years. These special Memberships are awarded to people who are ending their active time with Cochrane. See details of our special Members.
Cochrane values diversity and inclusivity, and our Lifetime and Emeritus Members should reflect the rich diversity of our global community. We welcome nominations for individuals of various geographical locations and genders, and particularly endorse a balanced representation from all around the world. Cochrane Members or Supporters can make a nomination.
Lifetime Membership Purpose To acknowledge individuals at all levels of the organisation who have made an exceptional, long-standing commitment to Cochrane’s work. Criteria
Emeritus Membership Purpose To acknowledge individuals who make a significant, long-standing contribution to the leadership of the organization. Criteria
In certain circumstances, Emeritus Membership status may be given with an associated title: e.g., Emeritus Co-ordinating Editor, which may come with specific additional acknowledgement (for example, a certificate from the Editor in Chief). |