How can I contribute to Cochrane?
There are many ways to help Cochrane's work and earn Cochrane Membership. Our systems automatically add membership points for publications, peer review feedback and tasks completed in Cochrane Crowd and Cochrane Engage. If you have contributed to Cochrane in other ways, please let us know!
I have volunteered for Cochrane - add my contribution
What do you want to do?

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Classify health study records | Anyone interested in health evidence | 1 point per record screened |
Contribute to a Cochrane Review or health evidence project | Tasks available from beginner to expert level | 200 points per completed task |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Promote Cochrane's work or evidence-based medicine on social media | Anyone interested In health evidence | 500 |
Improve Wikipedia health articles with Cochrane evidence | Students on healthcare courses and others interested in health evidence | 200-1000 |
Translate Cochrane evidence into other languages | Volunteers who pass the assessment test | 1 point per 2 words translated |
Translate and record a podcast related to a Cochrane Review | Volunteer translators | 500 |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Comment on a Cochrane Review | Anyone with lived experience of a healthcare issue | 500 |
Mentor or recruit other patients and carers to participate in Cochrane’s work | People who have experience of working with Cochrane | 1000 |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Complete an internship with a Cochrane Group | Non-experts and post-graduate students | 1000 |
Provide training in Cochrane Methods | Trainers’ delivering courses in Cochrane Methods | 500 |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Peer review a Cochrane publication including searching and statistical methods | Methodologists and statisticians | 500 |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Support development, funding or partnerships | Anyone with experience of working with Cochrane | 500 |

How can I help? | Who can volunteer? | Membership points |
Publish a Cochrane Review | Registered Cochrane Authors | 3000-5000 |
Contribute to or edit the Cochrane Handbook | Handbook editors and contributors | 5000 |
Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar MD, Colombia |
Ishanka Weerasekara, Australia |