
Methods to reduce pain with insertion of intrauterine contraception
Methods to reduce shoulder pain after gynaecological keyhole surgery
Methotrexate alone or in combination with other medications for rheumatoid arthritis
Methotrexate alone versus methotrexate in combination with other medications for rheumatoid arthritis
Methotrexate as a steroid sparing agent for asthma in adults
Methotrexate for ankylosing spondylitis
Methotrexate for giant cell arteritis
Methotrexate for high-grade osteosarcoma in children and young adults
Methotrexate for keeping ulcerative colitis inactive   
Methotrexate for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
Methotrexate for polymyalgia rheumatica
Methotrexate for psoriasis
Methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis
Methotrexate for treating rheumatoid arthritis
Methotrexate for treatment of active treatment resistant Crohn's disease
Methotrexate for treatment of chronic active ulcerative colitis
Methotrexate for treatment of inactive Crohn's disease
Methyldopa reduces blood pressure in people with high blood pressure
Methylene blue for treating malaria
Methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents - assessment of harmful effects
Methylxanthine for preventing morbidity and mortality in preterm infants: a network meta-analysis
Methylxanthine treatment for apnoea in preterm infants
Methylxanthines for exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Methylxanthines for prolonged non-specific cough in children
Metoclopramide for accurate placement of naso-enteral feeding tube
Metoclopramide for chronic nausea in adult palliative care patients with advanced cancer
Metoclopramide, thickened feedings, and positioning for gastro-oesophageal reflux in children under two years
Metrifonate for Alzheimer's disease
Metronidazole for pain after haemorrhoid surgery
mHealth-delivered education interventions in heart failure, using smartphone, tablet and internet-based programmes and apps
mHealth-delivered education interventions in heart failure, using smartphone, tablet and internet-based programmes and apps
Micro-invasive treatments for managing dental decay on adjacent tooth surfaces in children's and adults' teeth
Microfinance-based interventions for health outcomes in persons of low socio-economic status
Micronutrient supplementation for children with HIV infection
Micronutrient supplementation interventions to reduce harm in pregnant and lactating women living with HIV  
Micronutrient supplements for non-pregnant adults with HIV infection
Microwave coagulation for liver metastases
Microwave therapy for cervical ectropion
Mid-level health workers for improving the delivery of health services
Mid-urethral sling operations for stress urinary incontinence in women
Midazolam for sedation before procedures
Midline or off-midline wound closure techniques: which works better to treat pilonidal sinus disease?
Mifepristone for induction of labour
Mifepristone for uterine fibroids
Milk boosters (galactagogues) for mothers breastfeeding their healthy infants born at term
Millions of lives could be saved if health evidence and communication is put at forefront of pandemic preparedness
Milnacipran for fibromyalgia in adults
Milnacipran for neuropathic pain in adults
Milnacipran versus other antidepressive agents for depression
Milrinone for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
Milrinone for the treatment of cardiac dysfunction in neonates
Milrinone to prevent reduced heart function and death after heart surgery in children
Mind-body interventions during pregnancy for preventing or treating women's anxiety
Mind-body movement therapies for Parkinson's disease
Mindfulness for improving mental well-being in medical students and junior doctors
Mindfulness-based interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Mindfulness-based interventions for substance use disorders
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for family carers of people with dementia
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for women with breast cancer
Mindfulness-enhanced parenting programs for improving outcomes for children and their parents
Mindfulness-enhanced parenting programs for improving outcomes for children and their parents
Mini keyhole operation versus standard keyhole operation for removal of the gallbladder
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the detection of dementia in people aged over 65
Minimal access drainage procedures for patients with necrotising pancreatitis
Minimally invasive (keyhole) surgery versus radiotherapy alone or radiotherapy and chemotherapy for early-stage throat cancer
Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy versus bilateral neck exploration for primary hyperparathyroidism in adults
Minimally invasive surgery (robotic or laparoscopic) versus laparotomy for advanced ovarian cancer
Minimally invasive surgery compared to open surgery for the treatment of solid tumours located in the chest or the abdomen of children
Minimally invasive surgical approaches for total hip arthroplasty in adults with osteoarthritis
Minimally invasive surgical techniques for kidney transplantation
Minimally invasive surgical techniques versus open myomectomy for uterine fibroids
Minimally invasive trabecular meshwork surgery for open-angle glaucoma
Minimally invasive treatments to dissolve blood clots in the lungs (acute pulmonary embolism)
Minimally invasive versus surgical treatment of an aneurysm of the popliteal artery
Minocycline for acne vulgaris: efficacy and safety
Minocycline for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or motor neuron disease
Mirror therapy for improving movement after stroke
Mirror therapy, graded motor imagery and virtual illusion for the management of chronic pain
Mirtazapine as an add-on treatment for schizophrenia
Mirtazapine for treating fibromyalgia in adults
Mirtazapine versus other antidepressive agents for depression
Miscellaneous treatments for antipsychotic-induced tardive dyskinesia
Misoprostol for cervical priming prior to IUD insertion in nulliparous women
Misoprostol for induction of labour to terminate pregnancy in the second or third trimester for women with a fetal anomaly or following intrauterine fetal death
Misoprostol for intrauterine device placement
Mistletoe extracts for cancer treatment
Mistletoe treatment in cancer patients
Mitomycin C for glaucoma surgery
Mitomycin C for prevention of postoperative haze following excimer laser surface ablation in moderate to high myopia
Mitomycin C versus 5-Fluorouracil for wound healing in glaucoma surgery
Mixed exercise programmes for adults with fibromyalgia
Mobile clinics for women's and children's health
Mobile health (m-health) technological support for women during pregnancy or the first six weeks postpartum, or both
Mobile learning for delivering health professional education
Mobile phone messaging - a telemedicine for people with diabetes mellitus
Mobile phone messaging for communicating results of medical investigations
Mobile phone messaging for facilitating self-management of long-term illnesses
Mobile phone messaging for preventive health care
Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments
Mobile phone text messaging for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections
Mobile phone text messaging to help patients with HIV infection take their antiretroviral medications every day
Mobile-based technologies to support client to healthcare provider communication and management of care
Mobility management interventions to prevent, reduce, or delay driving in teenagers
Mobility training for increasing mobility and functioning in older people who are frail
Modafinil for excessive daytime sleepiness
Modafinil for schizophrenia
Model for end stage liver disease for prediction of mortality in people with cirrhosis
Models of care for managing non-specific low back pain
Moderately early (7-14 days) postnatal corticosteroids for preventing chronic lung disease in preterm infants
Modern combined oral contraceptives for treatment of pain associated with endometriosis
Modern radiotherapy techniques versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Modest salt reduction lowers blood pressure in all ethnic groups at all levels of blood pressure without adverse consequences
Modifications of the Epley manoeuvre for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
Modifying the consistency of food and fluids for swallowing difficulties in dementia
Modifying therapies such as biologics, colchicine, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and interferon-alpha for Neuro-Behçet's Syndrome
Mohs micrographic surgery versus surgical excision for periocular basal cell carcinoma
Molecular tests to detect infections in newborn babies
Molindone for schizophrenia and severe mental illness
Molnupiravir for treating COVID-19
Momordica charantia for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Monetary incentives for schizophrenia
Monitoring a baby's heart rate during labour with and without a computerised decision aid: a comparison of pregnancy outcomes
Monitoring of stimulated cycles in fertility treatment involving in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Monitoring pregnant women at home for detecting preterm labour
Mono and multifaceted allergen reducing interventions for the primary prevention of asthma in children at high risk of developing asthma
Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors compared with other treatments in early Parkinson's
Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors for early Parkinson's disease
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) for fibromyalgia
Monoamniotic twins (sharing the same amniotic sac): do they do better if born early?
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) avoidance for chronic asthma in adults and children
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for the detection of dementia
Mood stabilisers for schizoaffective disorder
More chemotherapy helps women with advanced endometrial cancer; however, the best combination of chemotherapy drugs is still not clear
More evidence is needed to show whether or not altering the physical home environment by removing potential hazards reduces injuries
More evidence needed as to the best concentration of crystalloid to use in resuscitation fluids
More research is needed into the effectiveness of printed educational materials for changing health care practice
More than 10,000 users in its first month: Cochrane's COVID-19 Study Register supports rapid evidence synthesis in the global challenge to combat COVID-19
More than 1300 people from 75 countries gathered for the first ever Global Evidence Summit
Morita therapy for anxiety disorders in adults
Morita therapy for schizophrenia
Morning versus evening induction of labour for improving outcomes for women and their babies
Morphine for neuropathic pain in adults
Morphine injections for pain relief after knee arthroscopy
Morphine-like drugs for cancer pain
Mosquito repellents for malaria prevention
Mosquitoes and malaria: Cochrane is on the case
Most antidepressants prescribed for chronic pain lack reliable evidence of efficacy or safety, scientists warn
Most prokinetic drugs routinely used to support bowel recovery after major abdominal surgery are not supported by current research evidence
Most widely followed COPD guideline updates their recommendations with Cochrane Airways reviews
Mother and baby outcomes following normal delivery and caesarean (c-section) delivery in women with bleeding disorders and carriers
Mother and baby units for schizophrenia
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is the primary way that children become infected with HIV. More than 2000 children worldwide are infected in this way every day.
Mothers' position during the first stage of labour
Mothers' positions in labour when baby is lying 'back-to-back'
Motivational interviewing (MI) for preventing alcohol misuse in young adults is not effective enough
Motivational interviewing for improving recovery after stroke
Motivational interviewing for young people living with HIV
Motor control exercise for acute non-specific low back pain
Motor control exercise for chronic non-specific low-back pain
Motor imagery for gait rehabilitation
Motor neuroprosthesis for improving activities and participation of people in their natural environment after stroke
Motorcycle helmet legislation for preventing injuries in motorcyclists
Motorcycle rider training for preventing road traffic crashes
Moulded foot insoles for adults with pain around the knee cap
Mouth care for preventing pneumonia in nursing homes
Mouthrinses for the treatment of halitosis
Moxibustion for alleviating side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy in people with cancer
Moxibustion for stroke rehabilitation
Moxibustion for turning a baby in breech position
MRI scoring indices for evaluation of disease activity and severity in Crohn’s disease
MRI versus CT for detecting cartilage invasion in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
MRI versus CT versus 18F-FDG PET-CT for detecting lymph node metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Mu-opioid antagonists for bowel dysfunction due to opioids in people with cancer and people receiving palliative care
Mucolytic agents for chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Mucolytic drugs (to help make phlegm easier to cough up) for people with bronchiectasis
Mucolytics for children with chronic suppurative lung disease
Mulberry therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Multi-media social marketing campaigns to increase HIV testing uptake among men who have sex with men and transgender women
Multi-nutrient fortification of breast milk for preterm infants
Multicomponent fortification of human breast milk for preterm infants following hospital discharge
Multidimensional rehabilitation programmes for adult cancer survivors
Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation for neck and shoulder pain among working age adults.
Multidisciplinary care for adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)/motor neuron disease (MND)
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation after brain tumour treatment
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation as supportive treatment for adults with multiple sclerosis
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal pain in working age adults
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for follow-up of women treated for breast cancer
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation programmes following joint replacement at the hip and knee in chronic arthropathy
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation programmes following treatment of spasticity after stroke
Multidisciplinary treatment at the early stages of low back pain
Multidisciplinary treatment for back pain
Multidiscliplinary care for Guillain-Barré syndrome
Multifaceted behavioral interventions to improve treatment adherence of glaucoma
Multifocal versus monofocal intraocular lenses for people having cataract surgery
Multimedia programs for educating patients about medications
Multimedia-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in adults
Multimodal interventions for cachexia management
Multimodality treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma (primary pleural cancer)
Multiple drug combinations of bortezomib, lenalidomide and thalidomide for initial treatment of adults with transplant-ineligible multiple myeloma
Multiple micronutrient supplementation for breastfeeding women for improving outcomes for the mother and her baby
Multiple perceptions about implementing hospital at home
Multiple risk factor interventions for coronary heart disease
Multiple session early psychological interventions for prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder
Multiple versus single lumen umbilical venous catheters for newborn infants
Multiple vs. single doses of exogenous surfactant for the prevention or treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy
Muscle energy technique (MET) for non-specific low-back pain
Muscle relaxants for non-specific low-back pain
Muscle relaxants for pain management in rheumatoid arthritis
Muscle stimulation for people with anterior knee pain
Muscle stimulation for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Muscle stimulation for weakness in adults with advanced disease
Muscle strengthening for children and adults with cerebral palsy
Music during caesarean section under regional anaesthesia for improving maternal and infant outcomes
Music education for improving reading skills in children and adolescents with dyslexia
Music for insomnia in adults
Music for insomnia in adults
Music for pain relief
Music for pain relief
Music interventions for acquired brain injury
Music interventions for mechanically ventilated patients
Music therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents
Music therapy for autistic people
Music therapy for depression
Music therapy for end-of-life care
Music therapy for people with substance use disorder
Music therapy for schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders
Music therapy strikes a chord
Music to reduce stress and anxiety for people with coronary heart disease
Music-based therapeutic interventions for people with dementia
MVA85A vaccine as a booster to BCG for prevention of tuberculosis
My OCD story: evidence-based medicine to the rescue!
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) for the treatment of connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD)
Mycophenolate mofetil for induction of remission in Crohn's disease
Mycophenolate mofetil for liver-transplanted patients
Mycophenolate mofetil for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Mycophenolate mofetil versus methotrexate for prevention of graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Mycophenolic acid versus azathioprine as primary immunosuppression for kidney transplant recipients
Myeloid growth factors for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes
Myofunctional therapy (oropharyngeal - mouth and throat - exercises) for people with obstructive sleep apnoea
N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) drops for age-related cataracts
N-acetylcysteine for acute liver failure not caused by paracetamol overdose
N-acetylcysteine taken with antibiotics for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection
Naftidrofuryl for acute stroke
Naftidrofuryl for intermittent claudication
Naftopidil for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms compatible with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Naloxone for hepatic encephalopathy
Naloxone for opioid-exposed newborn infants
Naloxone for preventing morbidity and mortality in newborn infants of greater than 34 weeks' gestation with suspected perinatal asphyxia
