New evidence published today shows there is little or no effect of omega 3 supplements on our risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death. Below is a round-up for some of the media coverage.
- Major Study Finds Omega-3 Pills Won't Help Your Heart on Healthline
- Millions of us swallow them by the handful, but are fish oil pills just a waste of money? on Daily Mail.
- Fishy findings: Cochrane review finds omega-3 supplements don't help hearts on Scimex
- Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements: Probably Not Worth It on Coach
- Omega-3 supplements don't protect against heart attack or stroke on ABC
- Omega 3 supplements don’t protect against heart disease – new review on The Conversation
- Omega 3 supplements don't protect against heart disease, new review finds on Time Malta.
- Omega 3 supplements do not reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, or death, finds review on the bmj
- Omega-3 pills and fish oil ‘useless’ for preventing disease on The Times
- Buy more vegetables instead of omega-3 supplements to improve heart health, report says on The Telegraph
- IT'S OIL A MYTH Omega-3 and fish extracts don’t help your heart health, researchers claim on The Sun
- Fish oil for a healthy heart 'nonsense' on BBC News
- Fool’s gold: what fish oil is doing to our health and the planet on The Guardian
- ‘Better spending money on vegetables’ – mega study busts omega-3 heart myth on Irish Examiner
- Taking Omega 3 supplements WON'T cut the risk of early death and may even do some harm on Daily Mail
- Omega-3 no protection against heart attack or strokes, say scientists on The Guardian
- Omega-3: Fish oil supplements do nothing to prevent heart attacks or stroke, major study finds on The Independent
- Omega 3 supplements may not improve your heart health on Med India
- Omega 3 supplements have little or no heart or vascular health benefit on Bioengineer.org
- Omega 3 supplements have little or no heart or vascular health benefit: review on Medical Press
- Taking Omega 3 dietary supplements won't reduce the danger of early dying and will even do some hurt on Trending Hits
- Scant evidence that omega 3 supplements curb cardiovascular disease risk on OnMedica
- Comprehensive study concludes omega-3 fish oil supplements don't reduce risk of heart disease on New Atlas
- Change of heart? Why Australians could be wasting money on fish oil pills on The Sydney Morning Herald
- How fish oil supplements can CUT levels of good fat on 24H Online News
- Video: Taking Omega 3 supplements WON'T cut the risk of early death and may even do some harm from News Media
Non-English Coverage
- Sfatato il mito degli omega 3: non c’è la prova che facciano bene al cuore
- Nem védik a szívet az omega-3 zsírsavas étrend-kiegészítők
- Omega3: nessun beneficio per il cuore secondo la WHO
- Aucun effet de l’Omega 3 sur les risques cardiaques ou l’AVC

Wednesday, July 18, 2018