News and jobs

  • 2018 Colloquium Gala Dinner Raises £9,880 for Social Bite
    The Colloquium is Cochrane's annual flagship event, bringing people together from around the world to discuss research into important global health questions and to promote evidence-informed health care. This year, the Colloquium took place in Edinburgh, UK, in September and was hosted by Cochrane UK. Almost 1300 people from 57 countries attended...
    27 November 2018
  • All Cochrane members are entitled to vote in this election.
    Dear Cochrane Members,
    Voting is now open for the current Governing Board election.Visit to view the candidates standing, read their Candidate Statements, and cast your votes.We’ll be sending a series of reminders before voting closes on 10 December 2018 at 12:00 GMT. Next week on the Cochrane Community website...
    23 November 2018
  • Engaging professionals, patients and policy makers with Cochrane reviews for greater impact
    Engaging professionals, patients and policy makers with Cochrane reviews for greater impact.Cochrane’s primary role is to produce and publish ‘high-quality, relevant, up-to-date systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence’ to support inform healthcare decisions. This is possible through the sheer dedication and hard work of the...
    22 November 2018
  • At Cochrane’s annual Colloquium in Edinburgh recently, we took the opportunity to ask some of those people who use Cochrane’s evidence what they thought about Knowledge Translation, why it was important to them, and they ways in which Cochrane could help make the most impact.
    In Cochrane we define ‘Knowledge Translation’ as the process of supporting the use of health evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews by those who need it to make health decisions.  We do this by involving evidence users in the production and dissemination of Cochrane evidence, sharing it in multiple and accessible formats, and working with...
    22 November 2018
  • Cochrane's 30 under 30: Andres Viteri Garcia
    Cochrane is made up of 13,000 members and over 50,000 supporters who come from more than 130 countries, worldwide. Our volunteers and contributors are researchers, health professionals, patients, carers, people passionate about improving health outcomes for everyone, everywhere. Cochrane is an incredible community of people who all play their part...
    20 November 2018
  • Senior author, Katrina Williams from the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne in Australia, tells us what they found in this podcast.
    There are more than 20 Cochrane Reviews of interventions that might be used in the care of children with autism spectrum disorder. In July 2018, these were added to with an assessment of the accuracy of tests for this condition. Senior author, Katrina Williams from the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne in Australia, tells us...
    19 November 2018
  • Recent joint Cochrane-Evidence Aid special collections include 'Prevention of acute malnutrition' and 'Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers'.
    Evidence Aid uses knowledge from systematic reviews to provide reliable, up-to-date evidence on interventions that might be considered in the context of natural disasters and other major healthcare emergencies. It was established after the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004, with input from several members of Cochrane, Cochrane groups, and...
    16 November 2018
  • Governing Board elections November 2018: Announcing the candidates standing
     Following a period of nominations, we’re very pleased that 18 candidates are standing for election to the Governing Board in this election. They are listed on and here you can read more about the them, why they’re standing for election, and what they plan to do for Cochrane if elected.There are four (4) positions available...
    15 November 2018
  • Cochrane Review finds omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of premature birth
    A new Cochrane Review published today has found that increasing the intake of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) during pregnancy reduces the risk of premature births. Read this  in Chinese, French, German, Malay,  Russian, and Spanish Listen to the Podcast on this Cochrane Review Premature birth is the leading cause of death...
    15 November 2018
  • Some of the members of the Cochrane Community explain their goals and achievements in different language settings
    Only about 6% of the world are native English speakers while 75% don’t speak English at all. Clearly English alone isn’t enough when it comes to making evidence accessible to the entire world. This is why translation teams and geographical centres play a key role in Cochrane’s knowledge translation strategy. During the 25th Cochrane Colloquium in...
    15 November 2018
  • Four major policy issues for Cochrane: recent correspondence with the Governing Board
    A group of Cochrane members recently submitted a letter to the Board detailing “four major policy issues for Cochrane”. You’re invited to read their letter and the Board’s response. To learn more about the Cochrane Council, the organization’s representative body for Cochrane members, please visit the resources on Cochrane Community: https://...
    14 November 2018
  • Workplaces are a good setting for programmes that aim to improve health-related behaviours like diet, physical activity and tobacco use, as adults spend a long time at work each day.
    Implementation strategies are meant to improve the adoption and integration of evidence-based health interventions into routine policies and practices within specific settings. This review examined whether using these strategies improved the implementation of policies and practices in the workplace promoting:Healthy eatingPhysical activityWeight...
    14 November 2018
  • Podcast: Bedside examination tests to detect beforehand adults who are likely to be difficult to intubate
    Patients who require general anaesthesia or ventilation to help them breathe while in intensive care, need a clear airway. This is usually achieved by inserting a tube to help air reach their lungs and a new Cochrane Review from May 2018 examines the evidence for different tests to help doctors assess how difficult this might be for patients with...
    13 November 2018
  • World Diabetes Day
    14 November is World Diabetes Day, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the diseaseWorld Diabetes Day, which is on the 14th November every year. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2018 is The Family and Diabetes. The aim is to raise awareness of the impact that diabetes has on the family and support network of those affected, as well...
    12 November 2018
  • World Antibiotic Awareness Week
    Professor Dame Sally Davies, England's Chief Medical Officer, recently warned that the world could face a "post-antibiotic apocalypse.” She urged that, unless action is taken to halt the practices that have allowed antibiotic resistance to spread and ways are found to develop new types of antibiotics, we could return to the days when simple wounds...
    9 November 2018
  • Cochrane Classmate could change how evidence production is taught in classrooms around the world.  Brought to you by the Cochrane Crowd team, Classmate is a trainers’ toolkit that allows you to create exciting, interactive tasks that help your students learn about evidence production. It is easy to use, and its first release is now available free of charge to anyone interested. Join the growing number of teachers and trainers using this innovative online learning environment.
    Cochrane Classmate could change how evidence production is taught in classrooms around the world.  Brought to you by the Cochrane Crowd team, Classmate is a trainers’ toolkit that allows you to create exciting, interactive tasks that help your students learn about evidence production. It is easy to use, and its first release is now available free...
    8 November 2018
  • 30 Under 30: Sarah Tanveer
    Cochrane is made up of 13,000 members and over 50,000 supporters who come from more than 130 countries, worldwide. Our volunteers and contributors are researchers, health professionals, patients, carers, people passionate about improving health outcomes for everyone, everywhere. Cochrane is an incredible community of people who all play their part...
    8 November 2018
  • The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group are delighted to see the results of their priority setting project used in this way.
    In 2016 the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group carried out a priority setting project (CTAG taps), funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research in the UK. Drawing on the opinions and experiences of members of the public, health professionals, healthcare commissioners, researchers, guideline developers and funders a clear message emerged- that...
    2 November 2018
  • Prematurity Awareness Month
    Prematurity Awareness Month is observed every November, with World Prematurity Day on 17 November, to raise awareness of preterm birth and the concerns of preterm babies and their families worldwide. An estimated 15 million babies around the world are born premature each year and more than one million of them do not survive their early birth. Our...
    1 November 2018
  • Dr. Osadnik from Cochrane Airways accepts award for work on COPD Cochrane Review
    Recently Dr. Christian Osadnik from the Department of Physiotherapy, School of Primary and Allied Health Care won the Monash University Jenny Keating Early Career Researcher Publication Prize for Nursing and Allied Health. It was presented by Professor Ross Coppell, Deputy Dean and Director of Research in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and...
    1 November 2018


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