Cochrane Crowd, Cochrane’s citizen science platform, is a global community made up of volunteers who are helping to identify the research needed to support informed decision-making about healthcare treatments.
Cochrane Crowd has reached almost 2 million individual classifications of reports of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) eligible for Cochrane’s Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), helping review authors around the world find the evidence they need for their reviews of effectiveness of health treatments.
Every contribution counts – and we’d like your help reaching two million!
How can you help?
First of all, sign up to Cochrane Crowd.
Then complete the short (10-15minutes) training module for the randomised controlled trial task (RCT ID).
And then head straight into live screening, where you’ll contribute to the tally and get us closer to 2 million!
Join the Crowd 2 million: Show us your screen campaign
Once you’ve signed up and done the training, please join us for Crowd 2 million: Show us your screen. It’s our way of connecting our community while we work to 2 million together.
Here’s how to get involved:
1. Head to the Crowd home page and take a screenshot clearly showing the classifications tally. Go on, you can do it right now!
2. Post the image to Twitter with this message “Countdown to @crowd_cochrane 2 million! My screen shows [insert number, e.g. 1,935,781]. How about yours? Take a look: crowd.cochrane.org #Crowd2million #ShowUsYourScreen”
Here’s an example tweet:
Might as well log in to Twitter right now! ;)
3. Then, get screening, of course!
4. We encourage you to tweet as per numbers 1 & 2 above as often as you like in the lead up to 2 million, updating your screenshot each time.
Prizes will be given to the 10 people who get screenshots AT or as close as possible to 2 million!
To be eligible for a prize you’ll need to post two or more times within the #Crowd2million campaign. That is, at least once in the lead up, and once as close to the milestone as you can get!
When will we cross 2 million?
There really is no way to know when the 2 million mark will be crossed. It will be the thick of night for some of you. Loyal screeners have been known to set 2am alarms in an effort to be there for milestones (I’m thinking back to the countdown to 1 million). Now we don’t necessarily want to create a broken night’s sleep but we would love you to be there, if you would like to be!
See you at 2 million!
From Anna, Emily and the rest of the Cochrane Crowd team
Contact us at crowd@cochrane.org, and follow us on Twitter.