Cochrane is made up of 11,000 members and over 67,000 supporters come from more than 130 countries, worldwide. Our volunteers and contributors are researchers, health professionals, patients, carers, people passionate about improving health outcomes for everyone, everywhere.
Getting involved in Cochrane’s work means becoming part of a global community. The Cochrane International Mobility programme connects successful applicants with a placement in a host Cochrane Group, learning more about the production, use, and knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews. The prgramme offers opportunities for learning and training not only for participants but also for host staff.
In this series, we profile those that have participated in the Cochrane International Mobility Program and learn more about their experiences.
Name: Israel Júnior Borges do Nascimento
Location: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Cochrane International Mobility location: Cochrane Swedenand Cochrane Croatia
How did you first learn about Cochrane?
I first heard about Cochrane when my current coordinator (and source of inspiration, Dr. Milena Soriano) advised me to read the Cochrane Handbook for systematic reviews and meta-analysis. At that time, I was extremely focused on applying for a PhD position at my university. After several more months of research, I went to São Paulo (thanks for Dr. Alvaro Attalah's support) to learn more about Cochrane and its methodology in a three-days intensive workshop. Since then, I simply fell in love with Cochrane.
What was your experience with Cochrane International Mobility?
My experience with the Cochrane International Mobility Program was not only amazing, but was extraordinarily strengthened. I was supposed to go only to Sweden, but for whatever reasons (and I believe sensible and spiritual reasons), I also had the opportunity to enjoy and to learn from the outstanding group in Croatia.
What are you doing now in relation to your Cochrane International Mobility experience?
At present I am working with Dr. Matteo in two systematic reviews neonatology-related. It has been a challenge since I did not have any prior experience with the topic. Dr. Matteo has always been amazingly kind and caring after my stay in Sweden. Moreover, I have been working on more methodological projects with Cochrane Croatia (with Dr. Tina and Dr. Irena).
Do you have any words of advice to anyone conserving a Cochrane International Mobility experience?
I actually and literally have so many words of advice for people who love research and love to experience daily challenges. But mostly important, if you really want to enhance personal and professional skills, try to consider the Cochrane International Mobility Program. Cochrane is different in a way that it accepts all sorts of "difference and singularities". Cochrane members believe in and support you, day-in day-out, not just for a week, not just for a month, but for years; and I am firmly convinced that they will work really hard, to make the future you want and believe a reality.