Cochrane Iberoamerica launches "Las claves de la evidencia en salud": A free and comprehensive Spanish course on health evidence and healthcare decision making

Las claves de la evidencia en salud

Introducing "Las claves de la evidencia en salud" by Cochrane Iberoamericaa dynamic Spanish course that delves into evidence-based healthcare, clinical trials, and Cochrane evidence. Designed for healthcare consumers (patients, care givers, family members), policy makers, and the healthcare team, this interactive course offers five modules, each estimated to take 30-40 minutes to complete. Best of all, it's completely free with a Cochrane account (registration for Cochrane account is also free).

The course offers interactive learning with reading materials, videos, quizzes, and other assessments. It follows the personal journey of 'Elena,' a fictional consumer, but participants can explore modules freely. It has been co-produced by healthcare consumers, researchers, and Cochrane specialists. The original English version, "Evidence Essentials", was translated and adapted by the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center.

"We are convinced that this course is a relevant and user-friendly contribution to disseminate to the Spanish-speaking public how we know if a treatment works and what is the process to generate scientific evidence for health care. At the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center we translate all Cochrane systematic reviews into Spanish and this new course in Spanish is an ideal addition to improve the use of all this evidence in health care", says Gerard Urrútia, director of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center and the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network.

"We'll promote it in Spain and the 18 countries of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network to enhance understanding of evidence in health," adds Urrútia. "It targets healthcare users and professionals, complementing other resources we provide."

"We are going to disseminate this course in Spain and in the other 18 countries that are part of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network as a first gateway to learning the key elements of evidence in health," adds Urrútia. "Our target audience is not only health care users, but also all those who are not familiar with systematic reviews and need to make healthcare decisions, including healthcare professionals. These modules will also support the numerous resources and dissemination activities that we produce for the Spanish-speaking public, such as Nutrimedia or Cochrane responde."

Check out this free online resource in Spanish or the other three languages today! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023