Fields and Networks
Search for name or address
- Cochrane Child Health
- Cochrane Complementary Medicine
- Cochrane Consumer Network
- Cochrane First Aid
- Cochrane Global Ageing
- Cochrane Insurance Medicine
- Cochrane Neurosciences
- Cochrane Nursing
- Cochrane Nutrition
- Cochrane Pre-hospital and Emergency Care
- Cochrane Primary Care
- Cochrane Rehabilitation
- Cochrane Sustainable Healthcare
- Cochrane Child HealthDepartment of Pediatrics
University of Alberta
4-476 ECHA
Dept of Pediatrics, University of Alberta
Edmonton AB T6G 1C9
Canada - Cochrane Complementary MedicineCenter for Integrative Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
East Hall
520 W. Lombard Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
USATelefon: +1 410-706-6181Fax: +1 410-706-6214E-mail: swieland@som.umaryland.eduHonlap: - Cochrane Consumer NetworkCochrane
11-13 Cavendish Square
UK - Cochrane First AidBelgian Red Cross
Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP)
Motstraat 42
2800 Mechelen
Belgium - Cochrane Global AgeingCochrane Global Ageing
UKE-mail: Globalageing@cochrane.orgHonlap: - Cochrane Insurance MedicineDepartment of Clinical Research
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
University Hospital Basel
Totengässlein 3
4051 Basel
Switzerland - Cochrane NeurosciencesDirezione salute e welfare
Regione Umbria
Via M. Angeloni, 61
06124 Perugia
Italy - Cochrane NursingThe Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Room 623, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR China - Cochrane NutritionCentre for Evidence-based Health Care / Health Systems Research Unit
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University / South African Medical Research Council
Cape Town
South Africa - Cochrane Pre-hospital and Emergency CareUniversité Paris Descartes
SAMU de Paris - Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades - APHP
149 rue de Sèvres
75015 Paris
France - Cochrane Primary CareRadboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Department of Primary and Community Care
PO Box 9101
117 elg
6500 HB Nijmegen
NetherlandsTelefon: +31 24 3614411Fax: +31 24 3541862E-mail: f.vandelaar@thermion.nlHonlap: - Cochrane RehabilitationUniversity of Milan "la Statale"
Via Festa del Perdono, 7
20122 Milan Lombardy
Italy - Cochrane Sustainable HealthcareLund University
Cochrane Sweden
Skånes Universitetsjukhus
Wigerthuset, Remissgatan 4
22242 Lund