Fields and Networks

  • Cochrane Child Health
    Department of Pediatrics
    University of Alberta
    4-476 ECHA
    Dept of Pediatrics, University of Alberta
    Edmonton AB T6G 1C9
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +1 780 492 8266
  • Cochrane Complementary Medicine
    Center for Integrative Medicine
    University of Maryland School of Medicine
    East Hall
    520 W. Lombard Street
    Baltimore, Maryland 21201
    United States
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +1 410-706-6181
    Fax: +1 410-706-6214
    Página web:
  • Cochrane Consumer Network
    11-13 Cavendish Square
    W1G 0AN
    United Kingdom
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +44 207 183 7503
  • Cochrane First Aid
    Belgian Red Cross
    Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP)
    Motstraat 42
    2800 Mechelen
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +3215443514
  • Cochrane Global Ageing
    Cochrane Global Ageing

    United Kingdom
  • Cochrane Insurance Medicine
    Department of Clinical Research
    Division of Clinical Epidemiology
    University Hospital Basel
    Totengässlein 3
    4051 Basel
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +41 61 328 5337
  • Cochrane Neurosciences
    Direzione salute e welfare
    Regione Umbria
    Via M. Angeloni, 61
    06124 Perugia
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +39 075 5045287
    Fax: +39 075 5058796
  • Cochrane Nursing
    The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Room 623, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Shatin, New Territories
    Hong Kong

    Hong Kong SAR - China
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +852 3943 4039
  • Cochrane Nutrition
    Centre for Evidence-based Health Care / Cochrane South Africa
    Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University / South African Medical Research Council
    Cape Town
    South Africa
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +27 21 938 9886
  • Cochrane Pre-hospital and Emergency Care
    Université Paris Descartes
    SAMU de Paris - Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades - APHP
    149 rue de Sèvres
    75015 Paris
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +33 1 44 49 24 51
    Página web:
  • Cochrane Primary Care
    Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
    Department of Primary and Community Care
    PO Box 9101
    117 elg
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: +31 24 3614411
    Fax: +31 24 3541862
  • Cochrane Rehabilitation
    IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
    Via Capecelatro, 66
    20148 Milan MI
    Phone: +44 –1865 516300: 3474107329
  • Cochrane Sustainable Healthcare
    Lund University
    Cochrane Sweden
    Skånes Universitetsjukhus
    Wigerthuset, Remissgatan 4
    22242 Lund