News and jobs

  • Pharmacological interventions for self‐harm in adults Cochrane authors have reviewed the international literature regarding pharmacological (drug) and natural product (dietary supplementation) treatment trials in the field. A total of seven trials that met inclusion criteria were identified. There is little evidence of beneficial effects of either...
    14 January 2021
  • Rehab outside
    Many experts published their opinions about the impact of COVID-19 on rehabilitation early on, but none were based on real-world experience. Cochrane Rehabilitation wanted to share information rapidly as it emerged so rehabilitation services and patients around the world would know how the pandemic might affect them. Since March 2020, Cochrane...
    14 January 2021
  • Hourglass on laptop
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, people relied on research evidence to help make decisions that affected the health of millions. Cochrane had the skills and experience to draw together the research evidence. We needed to work more quickly than our usual systematic review process, which sometimes takes many months to search widely and assess research...
    13 January 2021
  • Two dental workers talking
    At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries implemented lockdowns or stay-at-home orders. Most dental services provided only emergency treatment so patients and dental professionals could stay safe. This left many people in pain or without access to care. As countries began to ease their lockdown restrictions, policy-makers and dental...
    12 January 2021
  • Many faces of clocks
    Decision-makers are making decisions about COVID-19 that affect the health of millions of people. Researchers have been quick to do studies about COVID-19, but it can be difficult to stay up to date. Cochrane France wanted to bring together the global evidence about preventing, treating and rehabilitating people with COVID-19 regularly and in one...
    8 January 2021
  • Team members at a table looking over documents
    The new Chilean Satellite of the Cochrane Effective Practice of Care  (EPOC) Review Group works with the Ministry of Health to help inform decisions.

    In April 2020, the Chilean Satellite of Cochrane EPOC contacted the Department of Health Technology Assessment and Evidence Based Health in the Chilean Ministry of Health (HTA). They knew...
    8 January 2021
  • A female frontline worker wears PPE including cap, face shield, mask and gown
    What is the best way to support resilience and mental well-being in frontline healthcare professionals during and after a pandemic? What is ‘resilience’? Updated Jan 2021: Listen to lead author Alex Pollock from Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland explain what the review found. Updated Dec 2020: new brief for health systems planners and...
    8 January 2021
  • Person sitting on fence looking out to the distance
    There were no prevention or treatment protocols in place when COVID-19 reached South Africa. Policy-makers needed to work rapidly to support our diverse communities.  There were thousands of studies emerging from around the world, but there was a lot of duplication, variable quality and sometimes contradictory findings. The South African (SA)...
    7 January 2021
  • A woman sits on a couch across from a therapist
    Behavioural interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and network meta‐analysis

    Key messages Behavioural support can help more people to stop smoking for six months or longer, without causing unwanted effects. Some types of support appear to work better than others. More studies are needed to identify the best ways to support...
    5 January 2021
  • A metal magnifying glass leans against a stack of papers
    In this short interview, PhD student Camilla Hansen Nejstgaard,  from Cochrane Denmark and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Odense (CEBMO) at the University of Southern Denmark, tells us about how conflicts of interest may impact on recommendations of drugs and medical devices. She is the lead author of a recently published Cochrane Methodology...
    5 January 2021
  • Artist take on clinical trial
    Cochrane Sweden, in collaboration with TranspariMED, recently published a report on clinical trial transparency in Sweden. The report draws on data from the EU Trials Tracker and summarises the current extent of clinical drug trial reporting for different organisations in Sweden. Under the European Commission’s Clinical Trial Regulation, clinical...
    29 December 2020
  • A woman of color wearing glasses and her hair in a bun looks at a computer screen with headphones in
    Dr. Karla Soares-Weiser, Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Library, presented at Brigham and Women's Hospital Surgical Grand Rounds on December 2, 2020, as part of the Professional Fulfillment Virtual Series. In the presentation, titled "Leadership, systematic reviews, and COVID: An international perspective", Dr. Soares-Weiser reflected on her...
    29 December 2020
  • Wearing Cochrane evidence: a personal story of impact
    Rebecca Selby, a mum of four, shares how a Cochrane Review impacted her family.
    When I unexpectedly went into premature labour with our second son at a little under 32 weeks' gestation, I was given steroid injections to give his lungs the best possible chance in the outside world. George spent almost a month in intensive care when he was...
    29 December 2020
  • Doctor at desk smiling
    Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews A stillbirth is generally defined as the death of a baby before birth, at or after 24 weeks of development. It is most common in low‐ and middle‐income countries but also affects people in high‐income countries. Numbers of...
    23 December 2020
  • Cochrane has expanded its response to COVID-19 by publishing two rapid scoping reviews about care bundles in the intensive care unit (ICU) and measures implemented in schools to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both reviews were commissioned by the World Health Organisation to inform their guidance. The reviews serve as exemplars for how similar...
    22 December 2020
  • Cochrane Mexico
    The first COVID-19 case in Mexico was announced on 28 February 2020, with an anticipation that the number of cases would rapidly increase, some cases even occurring in children. To address this need, Cochrane Mexico worked with paediatric infectious disease specialists to create a Guide for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment in paediatric patients....
    21 December 2020
  • People working around a desk
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cochrane Germany wanted to build partnerships to share the best available evidence with as many people as possible, and make the findings from Cochrane systematic reviews accessible to German-speaking audiences. Cochrane achieved their goals in several ways.  They highlighted evidence and resources on their website...
    18 December 2020
  • 2021-2030 was recently formally declared as the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing at the UN General Assembly. The Decade of Healthy Ageing aims to bring together governments, civil society, international agencies, professionals, academia, the media, and the private sector to jointly take action in order to improve the lives of older people, their...
    17 December 2020
  • Read this recently published Cochrane review about CFTR correctors, a therapy for cystic fibrosis targeted at specific variants (most commonly F508del) In this review, the authors looked at drugs (or drug combinations) for correcting the basic defect in the most common cystic fibrosis (CF)-causing gene variant (F508del) and assessed their impact...
    17 December 2020
  • Person sitting at desk with back pain
    Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Review Group was established in 1998. They  are interested in studies of interventions for: acute pain arising accidentally or through deliberate injury; chronic pain; headache and migraine; palliative care for those with life-limiting disease or illness; supportive care of patients and significant...
    16 December 2020


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