Cochrane does not make clinical recommendations, instead it provides unbiased and high-quality health evidence so that health decisions, policies, and clinical guidelines can be informed by the best available evidence. ‘Cochrane in the workplace’ series collects stories about how Cochrane evidence is being used in non-clinical settings - in universities, by researcher, by guideline makers, and by policy makers. Each piece in the series collects stories around how Cochrane Reviews are being used in one type of workplace or area of work.
Would you like to add your story about using Cochrane evidence in your workplace? Please contact mumoquit@cochrane.org to share your story!
Cochrane in quality improvement stories
Cochrane in High School stories
Cochrane in University stories coming soon- contact us to add your story!
Cochrane in guideline development coming soon - contact us to add your story!
Would you like to add your story about using Cochrane evidence in your workplace? Please contact mumoquit@cochrane.org to share your story!