The International Infection Prevention week is the 3rd full week in October every year - a good time to share some of our relevant Cochrane evidence.
Central venous catheters: latest evidence for nursing practice on Evidently Cochrane
Replacing peripheral venous catheters: have you ditched the routine? on Evidently Cochrane
Getting evidence into nursing practice: replacing the routine on Evidently Cochrane
Vaccines for Preventing Rotavirus Diarrhoea: Vaccines in Use on Cochrane Child Health blog
There is a @WeNurses chat on Thursday 20th October at 8pm BST on the use of gloves & aprons for infection prevention & the (lack of) evidence. It’s guest hosted by two infection specialist nurses and will use the hashtag #wenurses. Details here.
Click on the title or image to go to the full Cochrane Review.
Gloves for preventing percutaneous exposure injuries in healthcare workers
Personal protective equipment for preventing infection in healthcare workers
Dressings for central venous catheters
How often should central venous access device dressings be changed?
Gloves, gowns and masks for preventing transmission of MRSA in hospital
Pre-operative showering or bathing
Antimicrobial dressings for newborns with CVCs
When to replace peripheral venous catheters
Antimicrobial coated central venous catheters to reduce infections
Timing of IV prophylactic antibiotics for women having caesarean delivery
Skin preparation for preventing infection following caesarean section
Antibiotic prophylaxis versus no prophylaxis for preventing infection after cesarean section