In healthcare, evidence-based information serves as the cornerstone of informed decision-making. Yet, the true impact of this knowledge lies in its accessibility and comprehensibility. Recognizing this, Cochrane China is running it's third annual competition that hopes to boost public interest in Cochrane reviews and fosters inventive pathways for sharing knowledge.
At the forefront of this endeavour is the Centre for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, a Cochrane China Network Affiliate that acts at the Translation and Dissemination Working Group. This Working Group, in collaboration with the Centre for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the Cochrane China Network Affiliate acts as the Translation and Dissemination Working Group. This working group is jointly hosting the competition with the Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine at Wuhan University, the Second School of Clinical Medicine at Wuhan University, and the dedicated members of the Cochrane China community.
Cochrane defines knowledge translation (KT) as the process of supporting the use of health evidence from our high-quality, trusted Cochrane reviews by those who need it to make health decisions. KT helps to make Cochrane evidence accessible and useful to everybody while advocating for evidence-informed health care.
We welcome you to submit a KT piece to this competition!
Simplified Chinese: Submissions need to be in Simplified Chinese. If you start in a different language, you can always translate it. It is helpful if one person in your team can communicate in Simplified Chinese as most communication by organizations around the competition will be in this language.
Open to all: All ages and geographical locations are welcome to enter.
Get creative: A wide range of creative formats is welcome; past winners include pictures, written work, and videos. Some previous examples include this stop-motion video and these infographics.
Unite together: Participants can choose to submit their work either as individuals or as part of a team, allowing for diverse and collaborative contributions.
Deadline: The deadline for submissions is 30 August 2023.
Winners: Winning submissions will be featured on the WeChat public website and the BUCM Essential Perspectives on Evidence-Based Medicine video channel. There are also branded prizes to be won!
Get in touch: Find out more information or ask questions at ebmvolunteer@163.com
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