Cochrane's strength is in its collaborative, global community. Cochrane Geographic Groups represent Cochrane in their host country, advocate for the use of Cochrane evidence in health policy and practice, and support Cochrane's members and supporters who live there. Here we focus on the impact of an affiliate centre of the Cochrane US Network, at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.
The US Network promotes evidence-based decision-making in healthcare and public health across the country. It raises awareness of Cochrane and its evidence, supports the production of high-quality systematic reviews, and disseminates these reviews strategically. The network also promotes the use of Cochrane evidence among patients, caregivers, clinicians, health systems, guideline developers, and policymakers.
Comprising some of the nation’s leading institutions in evidence-based medicine and public health, the US Network includes 15 affiliate institutions. Each affiliate institution has its own function and specific areas of expertise and focus. The Tufts University School of Medicine is a leader in public health, nutrition, maternal health, and health equity programs. In 2021 they joined Cochrane Us as an affiliate centre to help build capacity and a critical mass of Cochrane-trained systematic reviews in the United States.
"Every healthcare and public health decision should be based on the best available evidence. At Tufts University School of Medicine, we are proud to train future clinicians, researchers, and policymakers in Cochrane methods and increase their awareness of Cochrane systematic reviews," says Dr Shayesteh Jahanfar, Director of Tufts University, Affiliate of Cochrane US
Associate Professor, Public Health and Community Medicine.
Founded in May 2021, Cochrane US at Tufts strategic plan includes awareness campaigns, systematic review training, and collaboration with institutions such as the World Health Organization, Indiana University, and Ohio State University.