Cochrane Training is pleased to announce that Cochrane Review production training materials are now available in Russian.
The materials cover essential aspects of a Cochrane Review production based on the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The training materials, translated into Russian, consist of records of fourteen Cochrane standard training modules. These modules include subjects and topics required to guide a learner or evidence-user, new to Cochrane, through the steps of a Cochrane intervention Review production; starting from defining a review question to understanding and reporting biases, analysing non-standard data and exploring heterogeneity.
They will be especially helpful to medical and pharmacy students as well as their teachers by facilitating their way in an increasingly advancing field of health evidence synthesis.
It’s hoped that they will be instrumental in creating learning opportunities for health professionals and practitioners across Russia, contributing largely to Cochrane’s work in knowledge translation within Russian-speaking settings by creating a culture of systematic approach to search for evidence, critical appraisal and evidence synthesis, and ultimately defining research agenda.
These freely available Cochrane training materials will promote Cochrane’s mission of promoting evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high-quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence.
Find out more here: Cochrane Training Resources in Russian.