Cochrane Rehabilitation at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy

Cochrane Rehabilitation at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy

Rehabilitation is a health strategy aimed at enabling people with disabilities to reach and maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychological and social functional levels. Rehabilitation provides disabled people with the tools they need to attain independence and self-determination.

The Cochrane Rehabilitation Field serves as a bridge between all the stakeholders in Rehabilitation and Cochrane. Cochrane Rehabilitation drives evidence and methods developed by Cochrane to the world of Rehabilitation and also convey priorities, needs and specificities of Rehabilitation to Cochrane.

Recently members of Cochrane Rehabilitation attended the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress in Geneva. They hosted a Indaba session on 'how to find better evidence in our decision-making during the daily clinical practice: the Cochrane Rehabilitation’s experiencev.' During this session they showed their knowledge translation activities and ways they 'translate' Cochrane evidence into plain language. Cochrane's 30 Under 30 member, Joel Pollet, did an oral presentation titled 'Tackling the methodological issues of evidence production in rehabilitation: the role of Cochrane Rehabilitation'. Chiara Arenti presented a poster titled 'Tackling the methodological issues of evidence production in rehabilitation: the role of Cochrane Rehabilitation, which was linked to a recent publication in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.

Cochrane Rehabilitation also had a booth  with flyers which was a great opportunity to connect directly with physical therapists. The group noted that  this event highlighted the need to educate physiotherapists to evidence based practice, how it can be applied in daily clinical practices, and the methodological issues that often create low quality evidence in rehabilitation research - all of which Cochrane Rehabilitation is working on.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019