I am delighted to announce the launch of Cochrane’s new website and organizational identity.
We are excited to introduce our new name, ‘Cochrane’, and new logo design, which marries a subtle evolution of Cochrane’s old logo and traditional dark blue with the use of a secondary colour purple. Our new design demonstrates clear visual change without losing the meaning, heritage, or power of recognition of Cochrane’s logo that have been built up over two decades and mean so much to those of us who are a part of the collaboration.
This new look is an important part of Cochrane’s Strategy to 2020 and helps us signal to the outside world the transformational change that we are embarked on as we reach out and engage much more actively with the clinicians, researchers, policy-makers and patients who use our evidence. We think that our new name, logo, and design will provide us with a more consistent brand identity around the world that speaks in a powerful way across all languages and regions. We signal our pride in being a global community united by a common purpose, and our new visual identity also delivers a robust reproduction across digital media that will ensure the brand has even greater impact in the coming years.
We have redesigned this new website, cochrane.org, to be focused on those who are looking to use Cochrane evidence for their healthcare needs and want to find out more about the organization of over 34,000 people around the world who produce it. You can also access Cochrane evidence through the newly re-designed Cochrane Library, too.
In the next few months we will be working with over 100 Cochrane Groups around the world (made up of Cochrane Review and Methods Groups, Fields, Centres, and Branches) on their individual websites and new brand identities. Each of them has chosen from a palette of seven other colours allowing them to differentiate themselves whilst forging a closely-related identity as parts of Cochrane.
We’ve been delighted by the tremendous engagement and excitement generated in many Groups as we prepared for this launch of a new 'Cochrane' and the opportunity it affords us to remind our users, partners and funders of the value and impact of our mission 'to promote evidence-informed health decision-making by producing high quality, relevant, accessible systematic reviews and other synthesized research evidence'.
I am sure that the launch of Cochrane’s new brand will mark the beginning of a successful new chapter in the growth and impact of our work. Please let us know what you think, and how we can make this site ever more useful to you.
Mark Wilson
Chief Executive Officer