Watch Cochrane US Senior Officer, Tiffany Duque, as the featured guest on the Addictive Brain videocast. Tiffany spoke to Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi for the session called "Interview with a Scientist."
The Addictive Brain is an online community aiming at bridging the gap between science and the world in general. Their audience is mostly non-scientists and students, so they communicate in simple language and avoid scientific jargons - making science and health evidence accessible!
They chatted about health evidence synthesis, it's importance and use, the "infodemic" we are currently facing, and how anyone can get involved in Cochrane. You'll learn a lot in 30 minutes!
Tiffany mentions lots of resources available to those new to Cochrane; here are some of the key links:
- Visit the Cochrane US website
- View the Evidence Essential training resource
- Learn about how to get involved in Cochrane
- Learn about the Infodemic
- Visit about the citizen scientist platform, Cochrane Crowd
- Volunteer on Cochrane TaskExchange
- Learn more about the Cochrane's Early Career Professionals Group upcoming activities
- Visit the Students 4 Best Evidence website
- Find training events and resources on Cochrane Training