Featured Reviews and Press Releases

  • Podcast: Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for the management of presumed early stage endometrial cancer
    Recent decades have seen greater and greater use of laparoscopy, or keyhole surgery, when people need an operation on their abdomen. There are now dozens of Cochrane Reviews of this, for a wide variety of conditions and, in October 2018, the one for laparoscopy versus laparotomy, or open surgery, for women with early stage endometrial cancer was...
    26 February 2019
  • Workplaces provide an opportunity for interventions to improve the general health of employees
    When someone mentions the workplace and health, our first thoughts might be about safety and avoiding accidents, but workplaces also provide an opportunity for interventions to improve the general health of employees. Luke Wolfenden of the University of Newcastle in Callaghan, Australia and colleagues have looked into this and we asked him to tell...
    21 February 2019
  • Do general health checks reduce illness and death?
    Do general health checks reduce illness and death?The authors of this updated Cochrane Review set out to find if general health checks reduce illness and deaths.General health checks involve multiple tests in a person who does not feel ill. The purpose is to find disease early, prevent disease from developing, or provide reassurance. Health checks...
    20 February 2019
  • Podcast: C-reactive protein for diagnosing infection in newborn infants
    Doctors looking after newborn babies need to be able to detect infections early and accurately if they are to prevent the baby from becoming seriously ill. One of the tests suggested for doing this is to measure their c-reactive protein and this was assessed in a new Cochrane Review in January 2019. We asked the lead author, Jennifer Brown from...
    18 February 2019
  • Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders
    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of adding iodine to foods, beverages, condiments, or seasonings, other than salt, on iodine nutrition status and health‐related outcomes in all populations.Many people around the world do not consume enough iodine. This is a problem because iodine is important for normal childhood growth and brain...
    14 February 2019
  • Looking at a variety of interventions that are used for fractures and outlining the findings
    Wrist fractures are the most common bone injury in children, causing much pain, distress and life impact for them and their families. In a comprehensive Cochrane Review from December 2018, Joanne Elliott, Managing Editor of the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group based at the University of Manchester in the UK and colleagues, also based...
    11 February 2019
  • Examining the effects of cannabis-based medicines
    The Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group is producing a series of reviews on drugs for the treatment of people with neuropathic pain. One of these, published in March 2018, examines the effects of cannabis-based medicines and we asked one of the authors, Martin Mücke from the University Hospital of Bonn in Germany, to outline the...
    6 February 2019
  • The findings of this research may challenge the prescribing of H1 antihistamines for patients with eczema.
    The findings of this Cochrane Review may challenge the prescribing of H1 antihistamines for patients with eczema.This Cochrane Review assessed the effects of oral H1 antihistamines as 'add-on' therapy to topical treatment in adults and children with eczema. Are H1 antihistamines taken as tablets or liquid, effective and safe in people of any age...
    5 February 2019
  • Promoting patient utilisation of cardiac rehabilitation
    Cochrane reviewers from Canada, the UK and Brazil came together to assess how to get more patients using cardiac rehabilitation programmes, which aid recovery from cardiac events such as heart attack, coronary stent placement, and bypass surgery, and reduce the likelihood of further illness. Cardiac rehabilitation programmes offer the following to...
    1 February 2019
  • New Cochrane review assesses the benefits and harms of exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community
    New evidence published in the Cochrane Library today provides strong evidence that falls in people over sixty-years old can be prevented by exercise programmes. Falls are a leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Older adults suffer the greatest number of fatal falls and over 37 million falls are severe enough to...
    31 January 2019
