Featured Reviews and Press Releases

  • Earlier this month, the  United States Food and Drug Administration implemented a new set of rules requiring restaurants, supermarkets, and convenience stores with 20 or more locations to go public with the calorie counts for standard menu items. These food establishments must now post the calories on overhead display boards, printed menus, and...
    24 May 2018
  • Featured Review: Interventions for investigating and identifying the causes of stillbirth
    There is no RCT evidence available to guide how best to investigate the causes of stillbirth – future trials are needed.Identification of the causes of stillbirth is critical to the primary prevention of stillbirth and to the provision of optimal care in subsequent pregnancies. A wide variety of investigations are available, but there is currently...
    23 May 2018
  • Cochrane Reviews on vision screening and reading aid updated
    The College of Optometrists, UK has funded two Cochrane Review updates in support of the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) group based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). The global review updates were used to answer questions on the topics of Vision screening for correctable visual acuity deficits in school-age children...
    23 May 2018
  • Feature Review: Immersion in water during labour and birth
    Labouring in water may reduce the number of women having an epidural but does not appear to affect mode of birth or serious perineal tears.Water immersion during labour and birth is increasingly popular and is becoming widely accepted across many countries, and particularly in midwifery-led care settings. However, there are concerns around...
    18 May 2018
  • Media coverage of new Cochrane Review on HPV vaccine for cervical cancer prevention in girls and women
    New evidence published in the Cochrane Library shows that human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines protect against cervical lesions in young women, particularly in those who are vaccinated between the ages of 15 and 26. It also summarizes findings on harms that have been assessed in randomized controlled trials. Below is a round-up for some of the...
    9 May 2018
  • Scientific expert reaction to new Cochrane Review on HPV vaccine for cervical cancer prevention in girls and women
    New evidence published today in the Cochrane Library shows that human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines protect against cervical lesions in young women, particularly in those who are vaccinated between the ages of 15 and 26. It also summarizes findings on harms that have been assessed in randomized controlled trials. Below is a Science Media Centre...
    9 May 2018
  • Featured Review: Uterotonic agents for preventing postpartum haemorrhage
    New evidence on the best drugs to prevent postpartum haemorrhage point away from Oxytocin – the standard drug currently used to prevent this condition. Bleeding after birth is the most common reason why mothers die in childbirth worldwide. Includes data from 88,000 women across 140 trials. The review found that ergometrine plus oxytocin,...
    25 April 2018
  • Featured Review: First-line drugs for hypertension
    Thiazides best first choice for hypertensionHigh blood pressure or hypertension can increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke. One of the most important decisions in treating people with elevated blood pressure is what drug class to use first. This decision has important consequences in terms of health outcomes and cost.The Cochrane...
    23 April 2018
  • Feature Review: Vertebroplasty for treating spinal fractures due to osteoporosis
    High quality evidence shows that vertebroplasty does not provide more clinically important benefits than placebo but may cause people harm. Osteoporosis is characterised by thin, fragile bones and may result in minimal trauma fractures of the spine bones (vertebrae). They can cause severe pain and disability. Vertebroplasty involves injecting...
    18 April 2018
  • New Cochrane Review evidence suggests that nutritional labelling on menus in restaurants and cafes may reduce our calorie intake
    New evidence published in the Cochrane Library shows that adding calorie labels to menus and next to food in restaurants, coffee shops, and cafeterias could reduce the calories that people consume, although the quality of evidence is low.Eating too many calories contributes to people becoming overweight and increases the risks of heart disease,...
    27 February 2018
