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  • Media coverage of new Cochrane Review of Cochrane Review on omega-3 fatty acids
    New evidence published today shows there is little or no effect of omega 3 supplements on our risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death. Below is a round-up for some of the media coverage. Major Study Finds Omega-3 Pills Won't Help Your Heart on Healthline Millions of us swallow them by the handful, but are fish oil pills just a waste...
    18 Jul 2018
  • Scientific expert reaction to  Cochrane Review on omega-3 fatty acids
    New evidence published today in the Cochrane Library shows that there is little or no effect of omega 3 supplements on our risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death. Below is a Science Media Centre roundup of third-party expert reaction to this review.Prof Tim Chico, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Honorary Consultant...
    18 Jul 2018
  • ew Cochrane health evidence challenges belief that omega 3 supplements reduce risk of heart disease, stroke or death
    New evidence published today shows there is little or no effect of omega 3 supplements on our risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death. Omega 3 is a type of fat. Small amounts of omega 3 fats are essential for good health, and they can be found in the food that we eat. The main types of omega 3 fatty acids are; alpha­linolenic acid (...
    18 Jul 2018
  • Featured Review: Nurses as substitutes for doctors in primary care
    Delivery of primary healthcare services by nurses instead of doctors probably leads to similar or better patient health and higher patient satisfactionCurrent and anticipated problems such as ageing, increased prevalence of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity, increased emphasis on healthy lifestyle and prevention, and efforts to move care from...
    16 Jul 2018
  • Featured Review: Reminiscence Therapy for Dementia
    Looking at the discussion of memories and past experiences using tangible prompts such as photographs or music to evoke memories and stimulate conversation.Listen to the podcast from the lead authorRead the blog post 'Do memories matter? Is reminiscence over-rated as a therapy for people with dementia?' on Evidently CochraneReminiscence Therapy (...
    9 Jul 2018
  • Featured Review: Saline irrigation for allergic rhinitis
    A team of review authors from the UK and Thailand worked with the Cochrane ENT Group to evaluate the benefits of nasal saline irrigation in people with allergic rhinitis.Allergic rhinitis is inflammation (swelling and/or irritation) of the inside of the nose caused by allergies and is common in both children and adults. Common causes include grass...
    4 Jul 2018
  • My OCD story: evidence-based medicine to the rescue!
    Karen Morley blogs about her experience of seeking help for her Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and how finding and using Cochrane evidence was a turning point. This blog post was originally published on Evidently Cochrane.Without knowing what it was, I had experienced episodes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) since I was an adolescent,...
    3 Jul 2018
  • Health effects of sit-stand desks and interventions aimed to reduce sitting at work are still unproven
    Health effects of sit-stand desks and interventions aimed to reduce sitting at work are still unproven.Millions of people worldwide sit at a desk all day, and over recent years this has led to increased levels of physical inactivity in the work place. Health experts have warned that long periods of sitting can increase the risk of heart disease...
    21 Jun 2018
  • Featured Review: Nicotine replacement therapy versus control for smoking cessation
    High-quality evidence that all forms of nicotine replacement therapy can help increase chances of successfully stopping smoking.Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) aims to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping smoking by replacing the nicotine from cigarettes. NRT is available as skin patches that deliver nicotine slowly, and chewing...
    4 Jun 2018
  • Antioxidant supplementation does not appear to reduce muscle soreness after exercise
    Taking antioxidant supplements to reduce muscles soreness after exercise could have almost no effect, according to a new  Cochrane ReviewListen to the podcast from the lead authorPeople engaging in intense exercise often take antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin C and/or E or antioxidant-enriched foods, before and after exercise in the...
    4 Jun 2018
