
  • A metal magnifying glass leans against a stack of papers
    In this short interview, PhD student Camilla Hansen Nejstgaard,  from Cochrane Denmark and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Odense (CEBMO) at the University of Southern Denmark, tells us about how conflicts of interest may impact on recommendations of drugs and medical devices. She is the lead author of a recently published Cochrane Methodology...
    5 一月 2021
  • Wearing Cochrane evidence: a personal story of impact
    Rebecca Selby, a mum of four, shares how a Cochrane Review impacted her family. When I unexpectedly went into premature labour with our second son at a little under 32 weeks' gestation, I was given steroid injections to give his lungs the best possible chance in the outside world. George spent almost a month in intensive care when he was born,...
    29 十二月 2020
  • Doctor at desk smiling
    Antenatal interventions for preventing stillbirth, fetal loss and perinatal death: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews A stillbirth is generally defined as the death of a baby before birth, at or after 24 weeks of development. It is most common in low‐ and middle‐income countries but also affects people in high‐income countries. Numbers of...
    23 十二月 2020
  • Cochrane has expanded its response to COVID-19 by publishing two rapid scoping reviews about care bundles in the intensive care unit (ICU) and measures implemented in schools to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both reviews were commissioned by the World Health Organisation to inform their guidance. The reviews serve as exemplars for how similar...
    22 十二月 2020
  • Read this recently published Cochrane review about CFTR correctors, a therapy for cystic fibrosis targeted at specific variants (most commonly F508del) In this review, the authors looked at drugs (or drug combinations) for correcting the basic defect in the most common cystic fibrosis (CF)-causing gene variant (F508del) and assessed their impact...
    17 十二月 2020
  • Interventions to reduce tobacco use in people experiencing homelessness BackgroundPeople experiencing homelessness are more likely to use tobacco, and face many problems that make it difficult for them to quit. Health problems caused by using tobacco are among the leading causes of death among this group of people, so there is a need to find new...
    10 十二月 2020
  • a physician in a white coat points to the replacement joint in a model knee
    New Cochrane Systematic Review shows that knee replacement surgery using a tourniquet increases the risk of serious complications, and causes additional pain after surgery What are the benefits and risks of using a tourniquet in knee replacement surgery? Senior author Mr Peter Wall, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon from Warwick Clinical Trials Unit...
    9 十二月 2020
  • ER sign
    Interventions to increase patient and family involvement in escalation of care for acute life‐threatening illness in community health and hospital settings Medical emergenciesA life‐threatening condition is a medical emergency. The faster a person secures the right medical care, the better their chances of surviving. When patients and their...
    9 十二月 2020
  • Interlocking talking bubbles with colored puzzle pieces in them
    In this short interview, Postdoctoral Researcher and lead author Tessa Reardon tells us about this recently published review.  What does this Cochrane review tell us about the role of cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents? Our review shows the key role cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) plays in the...
    3 十二月 2020
  • Why is this question important?Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer among people with white skin.BCC is not usually life‐threatening but if left untreated, it can cause important disfigurement, especially on the face.Surgical removal of the affected area and surrounding skin is usually the first option for treating BCC...
    23 November 2020
